Written by: Julianne Capitan, Golden MV Intern
Almost everybody lives on the internet. May it be for research, entertainment, or online purchases, social media platforms were developed to make communication easier in which distance wouldn't be a barrier. Social media became an online communication that allows you to interact with people and share information in real-time.
It used to take efforts to engage with customers face-to-face and endorse them with products and services you offer. Not everybody likes being stalled at the mall, only to be asked if they were interested in a product they weren't looking for. Even if you take fifteen minutes of their time, chances are they weren't interested in any word you said.
Here we add social media to the equation. People search for what they want and find what they need. The internet understands the algorithm of your searches; search it once, numerous ads will pop up on your timeline. At least in that sense, it's the content you want to see.
Social media allows you to boost your visibility among your potential customers, letting you reach a wide audience by using time and effort. Also, it's almost free to create all your business accounts on all major networks, you have nothing to lose. Instead of passing flyers around that could potentially be ignored, why not put the content of those flyers on the internet? A creative ad is enough to catch the eye of your market.
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Once a message pops up, all it takes is to be online and respond at your most convenient time. Customers reach out because they feel important once they've been responded to. Everybody loves responsiveness. Without making an order, customers will keep connecting with you as long as you provide them the information they're looking for. Once it sets the security between the customer and seller, that's when they make a purchase. You establish a connection, you establish loyalty.
The open communication and convenience of social media build a deeper relationship with your clients. When people have the opportunity to connect with you or provide feedback, it lets them feel important when their voices are heard. It boosts customer loyalty when they've been responded to professionally and appreciated, leading to better client retention.
Sharing information is much easier than it was before. All it takes is to share your content with your audience on your social media platforms. These platforms have developed their concept of word-of-mouth as they created specific features. Facebook utilizes the button of sharing posts in which users can let it reach a wider audience; Twitter utilizes the retweet button that almost functions the same way as the share button, and Instagram utilizes the story feature that lets users share whatever content they want and pass it on to their followers. These functions were highly created to pass information and create awareness.
It's normal to check once in a while where your competitors stand, watching their engagement and activities to gain insight. With this benefit, you can determine how to improve your marketing strategies and maintain the connection with your customers. Most businesses like to be ahead of their competitors, one of the ways to do so is to monitor their activities and it's easier now that most of them are done online.
Social media platforms developed features that let people engage with one another. Comments, reactions, and replies are some of the responses that can encourage interaction between customers. When a new post pops up, users may comment their first impressions or feedback that can relay to new customers who have seen it for the first time. Since the comments and replies have no limit, sometimes your customers can promote the business for you by sharing their experiences with other people.
Many people love to express their concerns and opinions on social media, especially Twitter and Facebook. They also utilize these platforms to find information. One of the advantages of this is the ability to easily monitor comments, questions, and complaints. It helps build a reputation as a responsive and caring brand by offering support, listening to criticism, responding immediately, and resolving public conversations through private messages.
We can't deny that social media is a part of business marketing, however, it doesn't have to be stressful to manage. All you need to do is create a profile, monitor your content, and engage with your potential customers.
Since social media already weaved itself into the daily pattern of our lives, there will be upcoming platforms that will affect the purchasing decisions of customers. To sustain the identity of your business, make sure to establish a strong social media presence because everything is becoming digital.
Still don't have your business on social media? Well, it's time to sign up!
About Golden Haven
Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc. Currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots. It is dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.
Online Reservation
Golden Haven commits to the safety of both our clients and employees. We are now offering online services for our admin transactions. Choose from the services on our website through our online service page to schedule your appointments. You may also get in touch with us for any of your concerns.
Join the Golden Haven Community
Be part of the Golden Haven community today! Visit goldenhaven.com.ph or follow “Golden Haven” on our social media platforms. We are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Spotify, Tiktok, and Viber. For sales-related inquiries, you may contact (02) 8873-2922 to 23.
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