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A plethora of investment opportunities are readily available to the general public nowadays. However, memorial lots remain to be one of the most essential among the pack.

The apparent need for investment arises from the desire of people to make their money grow. Consequently, the need for memorial lots has risen over the past few years. Demand over it has substantially increased as well with no signs of halting anytime soon. Regardless if the property is for personal use or for investment purposes, memorial lots remain to be prime assets today.

memorial park
Memorial lots captured from one of our many Golden Haven Memorial Parks nationwide, featuring green landscapes and world-class architecture.

Although people avail memorial lots for various purposes, there are four primary reasons why:

1. Immediate Need of Memorial Properties

It has always been the cycle of life, and it always will be. People will need to avail memorials lots at some point in their lives. It can either be for themselves when they pass away or for people they know– relatives, friends, colleagues, loved ones. Gone are the days when people can simply dispose of their dead somewhere in their backyards. Gone also are the days when there was an abundance of decent memorial lots in every locality.

The establishment of memorial parks became more stringent in recent years. The imposition of stricter health and environmental restrictions posed a number of hurdles in the development of newer memorial parks. Government regulating bodies such as HLURB, DENR, and DAR imposed additional regulations and certifications as well. That is why as the demand for these lots increases over time, the price increases as well. The supply can’t simply keep up with the pace. Moreover, it is worth noting that not all land is viable and convertible to a fully functional memorial park.

When the need arises without having one, I can assure you won’t have a good time. Not only is the price substantially higher, you may not even have the luxury of choosing a prime location to lay your loved one.

2. Preparing Memorial Lots for Unforeseen Events

As stated, people who want to avoid all the hassles of passing away prepare ahead of time. And this actually is the prudent thing to do. The thing is, most people are unaware that this is an option available to them. Not only that, it doesn’t have to be pricey or something that has to leave a dent on one’s finances. There are affordable, nay, cheap, ways of acquiring your memorial lots.

Memorial Lots during the Pandemic
Preparing memorial lots save you and your loved ones the trouble on the years ahead.

Yes, it is important to remember that securing a memorial lot is an absolute necessity. However, it’s not equally important as spending the day with your family on your time of grief. Grieving is a time of reminiscence and celebration of the memories of people we love. Sadly, a number of people spend this time on some office preparing documents for reservations. Meanwhile, a lot more stress themselves out away from their family.

So prepare while you can, if you can, and save your family the troubles later down the road. It’s not that troublesome, really.

3. Secure a Location Worthy of Legacies

If you love someone, you would want nothing less than the best for the person. It is the same for memorial lots. The reason for which is that it will be his resting place for eternity. We want them to truly rest in peace, somewhere we know for sure that won’t erode with time. Somewhere that is well maintained. Someplace that is not flood-prone. A haven that is safe and secured.

Most Filipinos associate cemeteries to dingy, unsightly places. This is most primarily because it is what most people grew up visiting. Believe it or not, there has been a recent surge of establishing world-class memorial parks such as Golden Haven. These parks boast breathtaking architectural designs. Inspiration comes from world renowned themes and is a breath of fresh air to what we are accustomed to remember.

RELATED: Golden Haven, The Most Beautiful Memorial Parks from the Country’s Leading Developer

Grand Entrance of Beautiful Memorial Park
Golden Haven General Santos features an inspired gate which stays true to the vision of the company to provide world-class experience to every Filipino family.

And because of that, many people nowadays actually purchase their own memorial lots during the prime time of their lives. Not because they’ll die in the foreseeable future but because they want to be at peace. There is comfort in knowing that they are not dumped somewhere unworthy of their legacies.

4. Investment Opportunity

For the past few years, this has been the battle cry of our salespeople for good and valid reasons. As a company operating under the real estate industry, Golden Haven offers memorial lots which have increasing marketable value. The price appreciation of these properties is very appealing to vying investors. We have decades worth of trends and price history to support the aforementioned claims. Moreover, all memorial lot owners enjoy exemption from realty tax over said properties. This alone makes it a much more lucrative form of investment.

Memorial Lots offer lucrative investment opportunity for everyone.

We have seen a surge of millennial clients on our projects nationwide. This is a pattern most notably similar to that of life insurance companies. This clearly indicates that people are becoming more financially savvy. On top of that, it also means that more people appreciate the potential growth associated with the memorial lot industry. Also, owning a memorial lot property means that you have something to use for yourself in case something unforeseen happens. Pretty neat, huh?

Whatever your reason is, one thing is certain: the need for memorial lots has never been more pronounced. If you deny yourself this knowledge, you also deny yourself the peace of mind and potential earnings. And that’s a waste, isn’t it?

READ MORE: Golden Haven Memorial Park News and Update

About Golden Haven

Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc. Currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots. It is dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.

Online Reservation

Golden Haven commits to the safety of both our clients and employees. We are now offering online services for our admin transactions. Choose from the services on our website through our online service page to schedule your appointments. You may also get in touch with us for any of your concerns.

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