Do you want to own a piece of an airport, a retail mall, a hospital, a tollway, a warehouse, a hotel, a residential or commercial structure, or any income-producing property?

We all want to be a part of the real estate industry because the earnings can come from two sources: rental income and land value appreciation.

Do we, however, have the financial means to invest in such assets? In any case, the answer is most likely no.

READ MORE: Why Is It Important To Invest In Properties In The Philippines?

a drone shot of buildings

So this is where real estate investment trust or REIT becomes a viable alternative. In a sense, it provides a method for people who don't have a great deal of money to engage in large-scale building projects to participate in the industry.

REITs primarily mean acquiring and managing income-producing assets such as offices and commercial assets. This makes them different from typical property firms that normally focus on real property developments and obtain their profits via sales. The goal of a real estate investment trust (REIT) is to maximize rental income from its owned properties and disperse it to shareholders in the form of dividends.

RELATED: Why You Should Invest in Memorial Lots?

a drone shot of buildings

Overall, REITs are very similar to mutual funds. For example, the investing public purchases shares in these companies. They then invest the pooled funds in assets that will improve the value of the stock.

Offices, malls, warehouses, hospitals, airports, and other infrastructures are examples of REIT assets. Hence, until you want to sell or redeem your investment, you need to trade your shares from the exchange so you need to go via an authorized stock trader.

When it comes to mutual funds, the method is different since you just go to the mutual fund firm to buy or sell.

What are the benefits of investing in REITS? 

  • Minimum need of funds. It removes the need to come up with large sums of money or take on loans just to become part-owners of real estate.
  • Easier. There's no need to engage contractors or building companies, for example. You wouldn't be involved in property management, so you wouldn't have to worry about monitoring renovations, finding renters, providing security, or paying for insurance.
  • Dividends. The net revenue is distributed to investors in the proportion of 90%. There's also a risk that this will rise due to increases in rent and tariffs/tolls, as well as a low vacancy rate.
  • Value appreciation. The stock price may increase due to increased demand, growth in the worth of the lot, expansion of proximity around the place, etc.
a man in front of laptop happy

Behind its advantages, REITs also come with their own set of risks just like any other investment. Because they are so attached to a specific group of properties, it’s crucial to analyze how a firm picks its portfolio and manages its assets as this will define its long-term performance. For instance, which REITs are related to property kinds and geographies that have significant opportunities for development? How well does property management keep properties in excellent shape and maximize occupancy?

Should You Invest in REITS?

If done correctly, REIT investment can help the general population avoid the consequences of inflation. To put it another way, it can be a cost-effective way to help people build long-term wealth.

Of course, it may be excellent for individuals who are searching for passive income. In reality, dividends are paid out annually, and if the price of the company is discounted then it might be advantageous since you obtain greater yield.

photo of stock price going up

To provide an example, the yield is the amount of dividend over the stock price, thus if the yield is ten and the stock price is one hundred, the yield is ten percent. The better the yield, the larger the dividend, and the cheaper the stock price.

Historically, investing in real estate required large investments in actual properties, but REITs allow us to participate in real estate on a much smaller and more manageable scale.

Allocating a part of assets to REITs might produce significant long-term returns for investors who wish to diversify their investment portfolios and establish a continuous source of dividend income at a modest start-up cost.

As another form of real estate investment, investing in memorial lots provides a lengthy list of benefits. A memorial lot investment provides more than just financial stability in the future. Because of its strong appreciation rate of 20 to 30 percent per year, you may look forward to having your financial stability in the future.

Golden haven memorial grounds

Owning a memorial lot provides a number of advantages. It saves you and your family time, effort, and money in the process of finding the ideal ultimate resting spot. Early purchase reduces future liabilities, simply make sure you buy at a reliable and professional memorial park developer.

Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed, Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc., currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots—dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment in the country today with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.

READ MORE: Golden Haven Memorial Parks News and Update