The memories of your loved ones who unfortunately departed the world of the living do not and should not cease the moment that they bid farewell to their mortal state. Together with the other members of the decedent’s immediate family, you should strive to make sure that their legacy will endure over time. In that way, the new generations who are fated to come in full bloom years after such untimely passing can still give tribute and honor their precious stories, alongside pragmatic lessons that they may learn and apply in real-world circumstances.   

Hence, the utmost essence of commemorating their memories. You may designate a particular date when, together with the people who are close to them, you will gather in a common space and talk about everything concerning the deceased. However, it may turn out to be too ceremonial–a hassle for those with thoroughly hectic schedules. Thus, being more casual and going out on a picnic at a time when most, if not everyone, are free can be a much more recommended option.

To guide you in your meal preparation, here are some of the most suggested picnic food ideas that you may want to include in your list of dishes to cook for a solemn picnic in a memorial park to suffice the appetites of both the kids and kids at heart:

1. Sandwiches 

Sandwiches are one of the go-to food ideas whenever the discourse concerned is a picnic. As much as the preparation of a dish with an intricate recipe yet delicious taste, the very option can be time-consuming and stressful–countering the very essence of the activity to be made. Thus, going with this snack is a smarter choice to choose. Also, leaning on this meal idea is ideal especially since you can make a lot of them using different spreads as fillings. Chicken, tuna, jam, and peanut spreads are some of the recommended ones that are known to be the most appealing to the taste buds of the masses.

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2. Macaroni Salad

As much as you would consider the picnic as a time to take off and relax, you should never forget to include healthier options on your food list. Generally, vegetable-based salads are ideal because they attend to the appetite of the grown-ups. However, in a cemetery where there is no place to store these meals and be chilled while unconsumed, most of which are not desirable for picnics. However, macaroni salad is the way to go, since it can withstand humid temperatures as long as it is stored in a sealed container. Moreover, it is one of the recipes that one can easily prepare overnight. 

3. Fresh fruits

Fresh fruits are a no-brainer–they should be shortlisted and be part of the food ideas to prepare for any type of occasion no matter what happens. Most meals can peeve the taste buds of some since their distinct flavors can be too much for them. But bananas, watermelons, apples, mangoes, and grapes will never be tedious to eat. Kids and even kids at heart will surely end up enjoying a picnic lunch by ending it with a bite of fresh fruits. A gentle reminder, however, must be taken note of in terms of the specific types of fruits to bring–make sure that they do not demand a chilled temperature as there is no appropriate storage place for them by default in memorial parks.

4. Cookies and Chips

Since kids often cannot wait for the main dishes, they need something to appease their appetite with finger snacks. And with this, cookies and chips are recommended to be included in the list of foods to prepare when planning for a picnic. Not doing so can lead them to have weaker energy levels, especially when they can’t wait to eat and you still have to do final preparations before the main food courses can be served. Make sure that the cookies and chips that you will buy are the ones that are acquainted with their taste buds–otherwise, they may end up being unconsumed.

5. Puto (Steamed Cake Snack)

When making a list of Filipino snacks, you may think of puto as one of the top choices. Being less prone to possible spoilage as long as stored in a sealed container, this food idea is highly recommended for picnics since they are delicious and easy to make. The common variant for this is cheese, but you may think of other ways to make it more appetizing and interesting both for kids and the kids at heart. You may opt to produce different colors of it, each being associated with a particular flavor. It is important to include snacks like this as they serve as the cherry on top of any eating session. 

6. Pork/Chicken Adobo

A typical Filipino lunch is not without pork or chicken adobo. Being remarked as one of the pillars of Philippine cuisine, this dish is something that you should consider as part of the main course for picnics in memorial parks. It is easy to prepare, with various meats that can be used as substitutes. You may even add boiled eggs or potatoes to it–surely, it can never fail the expectations of anyone’s appetite. Moreover, what’s great about this food choice is that it includes vinegar in its list of ingredients, thereby reducing any chances of spoilage. Make sure to top it with laurel leaves for an additional savor of spices.

7. Pasta

To give a bit of a celebratory and joyous ambiance to a gathering of any sort, pasta is often considered as part of the meals to be served. For Filipinos, where the umami is enticing to the appetite, spaghetti is one of the most preferred noodle dishes for occasions. A picnic in a memorial park serves as a moment for you and your family to commemorate the precious memories in the world of the living by your loved ones who have already departed. Hence, incorporating this food idea is a good choice that can make everyone full. Extra caution is advised to ensure that the pasta noodle and the sauce will be sealed properly on containers at all times to prevent spoilage.

These are just suggestions that you may want to consider–the final picks are still up to you. Nonetheless, what matters beyond the taste of these meals and the table arrangements of the picnic is the real reason for doing such a casual activity. You must spend this free time away from work and any other worries to take a pause, settle in silence, and communicate with your loved ones in the grave. Make them feel that they are not forgotten–and never will be.

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