Why Golden Haven has Online Payment?

Golden Haven provides cashless experience at the expense of your comfort through online payment methods that helps you to pay bills with minimal effort anywhere you are. Also, it is convenient and efficient since there are many ways to pay bills through card payment, Online bills payment, and through online payment apps. In this way, you can choose what type of method that is suitable to your convenience. Now, you can pay your monthly dues within the reach of your hand.

What are the Online payment options?

Paying online made easier by using different options where to pay your bills without going to payment centers. Golden Haven makes sure that our clients won’t be pressured when paying their bills since we made sure that we will give the experience of paying while giving you comfort in your homes. Also, Golden Haven secures your given contact information and uses secured online payment apps to prevent bill fraud. Moreover, using contactless and cashless payments is more convenient and more secured than ever.

Card Payments

Card payments can be through online debit or credit card payment using an affiliated visa/mastercard. Payments can be done fast and has minimal risk through card payment. It can be accessed through https://online-payments.goldenhaven.com.ph/payment.php. To pay via card payment; Choose what type of payment, then fill in the required field.

Mobile Payments

Mobile payments require usage of applications like GCash, PayMaya, and AllEasy. These Online payment apps are accessible using their downloadable apps on mobile devices. Then follow the steps given:

· GCash

1. Open GCash Application and select “Pay Bills”

2. Select others in the billers section

3. Choose “Golden Haven”

4. Fill in required field

· PayMaya

1. Open PayMaya app

2. Tap bank transfer 3. Select a Bank (for account number email us at [email protected])

4. Complete the necessary details

· AllEasy

1. Login to your AllEasy, and select “Pay Bills”

2. Type “Golden Haven” in the search tab

3. Fill in the required details

- Reference code (e.g BAU00111)

- Amount

- Client Name

4. Confirm Transaction

Bills Payments

Bills can be paid easily through online banking, mobile banking, or over-the-counter services by various of banks available (BDO, RCBC, AllBank, UnionBank, Metrobank, and Security Bank). Banks nowadays have their own mobile banking apps where clients can download the app to pay, bank transfer, and deposit. However, Golden Haven clients can choose to pay via an online payment app or pay at bank via over the counter. Using chosen bank, the client can enroll and follow the steps given:

1. Enroll/select Golden Haven Memorial Park as biller

2. Subscriber Number: (Client Code)

3. Subscriber Name: (Client Name)

Auto-Debit Arrangement

Auto-Debit Arrangement enables the biller to receive payment timely and promptly with scheduled dates. Golden Haven only accepts payments via Banco De Oro (BDO) and EastWest Bank. This is a good alternative payment for clients who are committed in budgeting their finances. It allows the bank and the client to be conveniently on time and prevents missed payments.

  • Scan to pay (P2M)

Scan to pay is a cashless transaction that uses QR codes to pay online bill payment. Golden Haven uses AllBank, China Bank, Union Bank, Asia United Bank (AUB), and Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) to generate QR codes to be used in online bill payment.

To pay:

1. Go to https://www.goldenhaven.com.ph/online-payment/

2. Choose a bank

3. Fill in Transaction Type and Account Number

4. Then Search for Records

Where to find the payment options?

The payment options can be found in Golden Haven website.

1. Search for www.goldenhaven.com.ph

2. Click payments Or go to https://www.goldenhaven.com.ph/online-payment/.

For more inquiries about payment, email us at [email protected]

Is Online Payment Method safe?

Online Payment Method is safe when choosing the right online bill payment service. Golden Haven surely uses and is backed by a reliable bank and online payment services which makes online payment safe and reliable. Moreover, Online Payment makes your billing more comfortably convenient and secure with these methods. Also, Golden Haven secures your given information for your security and expense. Therefore, paying your bills in Golden Haven is secured and safe.

About Golden Haven

Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc. Currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots. It is dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.

Online Reservation

Golden Haven commits to the safety of both our clients and employees. We are now offering online services for our admin transactions. Choose from the services on our website through our online service page to schedule your appointments. You may also get in touch with us for any of your concerns.

Join the Golden Haven Community

Be part of the Golden Haven community today! Visit goldenhaven.com.ph or follow “Golden Haven” on our social media platforms. We are on FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTubePinterestSpotifyTiktok, and Viber. For sales-related inquiries, you may contact (02) 8873-2922 to 23.