Honoring our modern-day heroes this labor day 2021. The past few months have been filled with tragedy. In the midst of these hardships and sacrifices, let us pause for one day to revel and honor our modern-day heroes in this year's Labor Day. Who are those whom we call real-life heroes? Let's recognize and identify the people who have made, and are making, a difference in their communities or the world.

"Balikbayans" or Overseas Filipino Workers

Labor Day Overseas Filipino Workers
Hardworking OFW from different countries

First, the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW). Not only do OFWs face various forms of hardships while working abroad, but they also help a lot in sustaining the Philippines’ economy. They are keeping the country’s economy afloat through remittances that provide a better future for their family. According to the Philippine Statistics Association of the Philippines, the number of OFWs working abroad at any time during the period April to September 2019 is at 2.2 million.

OFWs deserve every ounce of our respect for the sacrifices they’ve made and the hardships they’ve endured. So let us salute them for the heroes and martyrs they truly are.

Health Care Workers

Health Workers as Labor Day heroes today
Health workers observe as another medical personnel conducts a swab test on a suspected COVID-19 patient in Sta. Ana Hospital in Manila on April 17, 2020. Photo by Lisa Marie David/Rappler

Health care workers are amazing people that perform acts of heroism every day and they are definitely one of the modern-day heroes to honor this Labor Day. On the front lines, they're the difference between life and death for our most serious COVID-19 patients. Even when they are not fighting to save someone's life, they're laying their own life down for all of us. They sacrifice time with their families and sometimes their time to rest.

The mental health of medical front-liners is something to admire. They have stayed resilient and stood witness to tragic losses for the past year and a half, with loved ones of the deceased left with no choice but the option of cremation, the news of which they would have to break.

As health care workers, they deserve equal protection of their rights. And as the recipients of their care, we always should remember that we owe it to health workers everywhere to stand up for their safety.

Frontliners (Food Service Providers, Police, Military, Street Sweepers, Delivery Riders, and Farmers)

Front liners during the Covid19 Pandemic
Front liners during the Covid19 Pandemic

For the past year, these front liners have been at the forefront of our nation’s battle against Covid19:

- Foodservice providers
- Street sweepers
- Delivery riders
- Military and Police personnel
- Civil servants
- Farmers

Let us not forget these persons who provide mostly our basic needs and of course ensures the safety of the community. Moreover, we should honor these modern-day heroes this Labor Day for putting their lives on the line and carry out their critical tasks.

Death Care Service Providers

Funeral Interment Attendants with Fully Equipped PPEs for COVID protection
Funeral Interment Attendants with Fully Equipped PPEs for COVID protection at Golden Haven Memorial Park

Lastly, the most forgotten modern-day heroes today are the Death Care Service Providers. Deathcare workers are also heavily impacted by the grieving process, especially during this pandemic. They are deemed “high-risk health care workers” and they fall into one of the first groups that should be vaccinated against COVID-19

At Golden Haven, our employees’ safety has always been paramount in management’s priorities, while maintaining the quality service that we provide. Know more about the services we provide here.

Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed, Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc., currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots—dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment in the country today with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.

Be part of the Golden Haven community today! Visit goldenhaven.com.ph or follow “Golden Haven” on our social media platforms. We are on FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTubePinterest, Spotify, Viber, Telegram, Kakao Talk, LINE and WhatsApp. For sales related inquiries, you may contact (02) 8873-2922 to 23.