Beautiful Scenery of Golden Haven Memorial Park

Zen gardens, na­ture trails, and a but­ter­fly pavil­ion. What bet­ter way to honor the dearly de­parted than to trans­form a me­mo­rial park into an eco­log­i­cal sanc­tu­ary?

Elegantly Designed Architectures inside a Memorial Park

For Golden Haven, a unit of the Vil­lar-owned prop­erty firm Golden MV Hold­ings, its im­pec­ca­bly de­signed me­mo­rial parks com­bine el­e­gant ar­chi­tec­ture with ver­dant green­ery to cre­ate a tran­quil haven for fam­i­lies who come to visit.

In such vast, pic­turesque set­tings, the liv­ing cel­e­brates the lives of peo­ple they have loved and lost while cre­at­ing new, last­ing mem­o­ries with the fam­ily. Thus, it con­tin­ues to in­no­vate its me­mo­rial parks, mak­ing them as func­tional as pos­si­ble and aes­thet­i­cally at­trac­tive.

Our themed-memorial Parks is the best of its kind

First Eco-memorial Park in the Philippines — Amadeo, Cavite

Artist's Perspective of the First Eco-memorial Park in the Philippines — Amadeo, Cavite
Artist's Perspective of the First Eco-memorial Park in the Philippines — Amadeo, Cavite

Take for ex­am­ple the Golden Haven in Amadeo, Cavite, the first-ever ecomemo­rial park cur­rently in devel­op­ment in the Philip­pines. Not only will it pro­vide a beau­ti­ful lo­cale for re­mem­ber­ing loved ones who have de­parted, but it will also of­fer out­door at­trac­tions for vis­it­ing fam­i­lies to bond over.

Such out­door ac­tiv­i­ties in­clude a but­ter­fly pavil­ion, var­i­ous na­ture trails, and even a minia­ture zoo. Its coun­try­side vibe make it re­fresh­ingly con­ducive to re­liv­ing happy mem­o­ries while ap­pre­ci­at­ing the beauty of na­ture.

Replica of Christ the Redeemer Statue

Christ the Redeemer statue Golden Haven CDO
Christ the Redeemer statue Golden Haven Cagayan de Oro

On the other hand, the 10 hectare Golden Haven in Ca­gayan de Oro boasts of a stun­ning recre­ation of the famed Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To boost its in­ter­na­tional flair, the park is built around the theme “Gar­dens of the World.”

Greetings in var­i­ous Asian lan­guages wel­come guests at the park that fea­tures themed en­claves such as the Ja­panese Zen gar­den, the Gar­dens of Amer­ica, the Tus­can Hills and more.

Mountain Top Sanctuary in Cebu City

Memorial Lots in Cebu City
Golden Haven Memorial Park in Cebu City

Pegged as the most beau­ti­ful me­mo­rial park in the coun­try, Golden Haven Park in Cebu is lo­cated just a few min­utes ride from the city.

This moun­tain­top sanc­tu­ary can leave one in awe, with its en­chant­ing nat­u­ral sur­round­ings blend­ing seam­lessly with its var­i­ous Ital­ian-in­spired ameni­ties like the Pope John Paul II Me­mo­rial Hill, the Gar­den Plaza and the Im­pe­rial Gar­dens, among oth­ers.

These are just three of more than 30 pre­mier of­fer­ings of Golden Haven all over the coun­try, mak­ing it the largest chain of me­mo­rial parks not only in the Philip­pines but quite pos­si­bly, within the South­east Asian re­gion.

READ MORE: Golden Haven, one of the largest chain of memorial parks in the country, adapts to and agile through change

With more sites be­ing built, it moves closer to its goal of hav­ing a Golden Haven me­mo­rial park in ev­ery per­son’s home­town, al­low­ing its clien­tele to en­joy life’s peace­ful dusk, in the com­forts of familiar ground.

“It is our hope that the vast­ness and tran­quil beauty of Golden Haven’s me­mo­rial parks con­tinue to mo­ti­vate the liv­ing in mak­ing their vis­its a reg­u­lar habit in­stead of a yearly event,” said Red Ros­ales, pres­i­dent of Golden Haven.

“Week­end vis­its can af­ford fam­i­lies the chance to bond safely with each other while sa­vor­ing mem­o­ries of the dearly de­parted”, Ros­ales added.

With its mod­ern, re­fresh­ing take on the me­mo­rial park, there is clearly no bet­ter choice in the death­care in­dus­try than Golden Haven.

About the Company

Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary of Golden MV Holdings Inc. A publicly listed, Villar-owned company currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots. Dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment in the country today with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.

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