Investing is definitely a great way to grow your hard-earned money and financial net worth. Tons of people want to dive onto available investment opportunities but don’t have the slightest clue how, much less how and where to start.

Let us begin by firstly defining what the term “investment” means.

Investopedia defines investment as an asset or item which allows the owner to generate income or opportunities.

A lot of people know the dictionary meaning of investment but are simply not interested. Many people, on the other hand, aspire to be wealthy but are not in any way motivated to take the necessary steps to be one.

Then there are those who know the core idea of investment which is "Gaining Money" but lack the actual experience. They know the theory but not the practice. Is it because their knowledge about investment is insufficient enough to take them to the next step? Is confidence their problem?

If you have zero knowledge about investment, it is only logical to be afraid to take that first step. Imagine if people are oblivious to the benefits of owning phones or how they work, will they be enticed to buy them? Of course not. People will tend to ignore it simply because they don't actually know what they’re missing-- that through cellular phones, we can easily communicate with other people especially those who are far from us.

The same concept goes for investment, really, whatever form it may be. If we lack the necessary knowledge, we will be hesitant to start.

But what can we do?

How To Invest When You Know Nothing About Investment?

How To Invest Easily?

Engage with people who are knowledgeable about investment.

Engage with people who are knowledgeable about investment.

You don’t go to a farmer to learn how to fish as much as you don’t go to a fisherman to learn how to farm. Surround yourself with people who know the craft, in this case, real life investors. These people will impart invaluable firsthand knowledge and stories about investments and will actually help you nurture your ideas. They have developed that keen eye to help one understand and succeed in this game. As they say: “The more you learn, the more you earn.”

Consider your financial capacity.

Consider your financial capacity.

Do you know that investing in Real Estate is actually considered as the best option available to you, even better than other investment instruments such as Stocks, Bonds or Mutual Funds? The knowledge ceiling is very low and the appreciation value is assured. The risk is very low, if not nonexistent at all. Wherever you go, the value of land is always on an upward trend and this should be your go signal to leap.

Real Estate investment gives predictable cash flow and value appreciation, one that is resistant to inflation and provides a higher return at the same time because of its positive leverage. When investing in real estate, it is necessary to identify your financial capacity for you to choose effectively what type of real estate to avail -- whether it is condominium units, commercial spaces, residential, or memorial lots.

Be familiar with reputable companies or developers.

How to invest?

Even if Real Estate investment’s value appreciate overtime, it is still advisable for the investor to take greater interest and research moreon the companies they are inclined to invest on. Ask an expert or much better, the people who have the experience, those who took the risk before you and made profits in returnalready.

Invest on top companies.

Golden Haven Iloilo Memorial Lots 2
Golden Haven Iloilo Memorial Lots

You have to look for the top companies that will undoubtedly appreciate the value of your investment on the long run. Sure, you can always start small. However, the one drawback from this is that it may take a really long time for your investment to pay off. And we would not want that. Remember that the nature of investing is to grow your money, then enjoy the gains. If you can’t enjoy it for yourself, then what’s the point?

And one of these lucrative real estate investment opportunities most people are not aware of are memorial lots. Yes, MEMORIAL LOTS! It is actually considered as one of the best real estate investments today. If not the best, this is less risky than the residential routes mainly because it only requires a low capital to begin and a much less restrictive requirements and economic foothold. People from any walk of life can avail themselves a memorial lot investment and reap the rewards years ahead.

Golden Haven Memorial Park is one of the best examples of this. The company has a proven history of investment growth over its 35 years of operation in the Philippines. It increased its value over time with an average of almost 20% annual appreciation. This is insane!

In one of the business columns of Manila Standard Business, they went on to further prove this point.

"One example is Golden Haven Memorial Park in Las Piñas, a 15-hectare property that features elements of Spanish architecture and a butterfly garden. When the park first opened in 1984, memorial lots at the location cost P5,000 only. That value has gone up to 2,240-percent increase in 36 years or 67 percent per annum, priced at P378,000 today."

Written by: Golden Haven Padre Garcia

About us

Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed Villar owned Golden MV Holdings Inc., currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services, and prime memorial lots; dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.

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