Planning for one’s future is the first step to adulting. We don't know what the future may bring, even if you set goals, and make plans for the future, the only thing you'll be able to do is to--at the very least--control a tiny aspect of it. Now, you might think "What, then, is the purpose of planning for the future when I cannot completely control it?". Well, that's exactly why we need to plan. To take measures to increase the probability of reaching our goals. In this article, we're talking about the importance of planning for the future.

The key to continuous planning is to assess the progress of your plan and see how you’re going. Fortunately, it's no rocket science. If those before us were able to do it, we can too! It only takes a pen and a paper or any handy dandy note application on your phone.

So, let's start.

Planning Helps You Priotize

Planning helps you prioritiza

Identifying your goals can help clear away the cloudiness. No joke! If you know what you want to accomplish, then you're halfway there. Why? Because it allows you to identify the important stuff. Thus, putting the rest of the clutter (a.k.a. distractions) at the back. And when you know which things to prioritize, you'll know where to put most of your energy.

Of course, planning is only the beginning. Execution is another thing. This is the reason why it's vital to keep track of your progress. So when you create your list of goals and priorities, include a timeline. That way, you can track and monitor your progress towards your goals.

Planning Improves Motivation and Focus

Improves focus

Planning can help you stay motivated and focused. The plan you set can become your driving force to achieve those goals. Setting a timely goal provides inspiration and pushes you to move. It's like a project. You set a deadline. And since you know there's a deadline, you're bound to do your best to complete the task within the set time frame.

For instance, let's say that you want to earn your first million by the age of 35. If you're currently 22 years old, you have 13 years to work on your goal. You can start by setting the amount you should earn in a month, then identify the ways you can earn it, and so on.

If you know what you should accomplish, you can focus and you're bound to stay motivated.

READ MORE: Why You Need To Plan Your Finances

Planning Makes Decision-Making a Lot Easier

We make decisions every day. What to eat for breakfast, what movie to watch, what clothes to wear, where to go on your next vacation. Once you have laid down your plans, you’ll know the weight and value of each choice. You'll be able to put more importance on those that can help you towards fulfilling the goals you want to achieve.

For instance, if your goal is to increase your monthly savings by 50,000 to reach your long term goal of having your first million by the age of 35, and your favorite mobile phone brand releases a new phone that's worth 50,000, then you're more likely to stay on your old yet still working phone for a few more months. It can, of course, be hard to say no to that new phone, but because you have your plans, you know which option is more beneficial for you.

Planning Allows You More Control

A big reason why you should plan for your future is to have even a tiny bit of control over it. While approximately over 90% of the outcomes and experiences in life are beyond our control, planning for your future could give you a grip on the remaining 10%.

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do about it now.” As Alan Lakein says. You can use planning to take control over your life’s direction and establish the proper discipline and time management. Some challenges in life may not end the way you want them to be, but at the very least, you were prepared and lessons can be learned from them.

READ MORE: The Importance of Planning Your Life

Planning Increase Your Success Rate

How do you define success?

Success comes from a series of planning, ups and downs, rejection, and other challenging experienced that you encountered just to reach your goal. The definition of success is not the same for everyone, which is why it is so important to have a plan in life.

As we mature, our plans and goals may change based on need and passion. The goal you set to define, the plan you set to execute will be your definition of success. This will serve as your ladder to success. Your own definition of success and not of the others.

Educator and author Booker T. Washington said, “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” When you look back on how far you’ve come, you’ll be able to realize that you are always one step ahead of your goal.

Planning for your future may be overwhelming, but you can divide it into smaller tasks--may it be daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or even yearly plans. As long as you execute them, and improve and track your progress, you'll increase your chances of achieving what you aim for.

The important this is to start with one goal, then have a plan, to execute, and then track your progress. Soon, you’ll realize that it is easier to plan and execute as you absorb it as a habit. Because as the saying goes, “If one fails to plan, one plans to fail.”

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