Are you contemplating cremation because you care about the environment? Why choose cremation over traditional burial? If that's the case, stay reading to discover more about cremation's environmental advantages.
According to the National Funeral Directors Association, 56 percent of people will be cremated by 2020. This is an increase of 8% over the previous year. Why are more individuals opting for cremation rather than a conventional burial?
While there are various reasons why cremation may be the best option for you or a loved one, one of the most important is that it is better for the environment.
Avoid Embalming Chemicals
The objective of embalming is to keep the body preserved so that family can see it. You may eliminate embalming chemicals by having cremation options rather than a typical funeral ceremony and interment.
Many toxic substances, like as formaldehyde, are used in the embalming procedure. Formaldehyde contaminates both land and water when it spills into the environment. Plants and animals can be affected by formaldehyde for a long time.
RELATED: The beauty of cremation in preserving the memories of your dearly departed
More Time Efficient
Funeral arrangements will overburden your family. This is extremely hard when you're coping with the emotional aftermath of a beloved one's (possibly abrupt) passing.
You may want to make sure that your family aren't overwhelmed with unneeded choices and trouble at this terrible time.
Traditional funerals are always slower than cremations. By stating your desire for cremation before your death, you may save a huge amount of time and work.
There is no need for a casket.
Cremation eliminates the need for embalming and eliminates the need for a coffin. Natural materials such as metal, wood, and stone are used to create caskets. You are conserving resources, utilizing less power, and cutting costs by not using a coffin.
Save Land Space
Did you know that there is a shortage of burial ground in several regions of the world? We will ultimately run out of land since the planet has a finite amount of it.
Another of the biggest cremation advantages is that it does not necessitate the use of additional space. Cremated remains are now either dispersed or placed in an urn.
Scattering Ashes Has No Negative Effect on the Environment
Some individuals choose to be buried, while others prefer to spread their ashes. The best part is that ash dispersal has no detrimental environmental consequences.
If you or a loved one want to have their ashes dispersed, make sure you follow the EPA's standards. Ashes strewn at sea, for example, must be completed at least three miles from the land.
Covid-19 Deaths and Cremation in the Philippines
The increase of COVID-19-related fatalities has had a significant impact on the crematorium sector, since cremation requests have doubled. Furthermore, many people forsake traditional funerals in favor of cremation, which is a far less expensive option because to the limits on social gatherings. Those who choose to use cremation services in the Philippines can take advantage of unique packages and payment arrangements.
A government directive in the Philippines mandates that the remains of a COVID-19 victim be cremated within 12 hours, with the exception of religious prohibitions. If the dead was a Muslim, for example, the body should be placed in a sealed bag and buried according to Muslim procedures at the nearest Muslim cemetery within 12 hours.
The quick funerals represent a stark contrast to typical Christian burials in the Philippines, where the "lamay," or wake, can linger anywhere from three to seven days.
Golden Haven Memorial Park, in particular, is one of the Philippines' largest and most beautiful memorial park chains, with over 30 sites offering cremation services countrywide. Golden Haven in Las Pinas provides a PHP 65,000 cremation package that includes pick-up within a 25-kilometer radius of the Las Pinas Chapel and a complimentary marble urn.
READ MORE: Golden Haven Memorial Parks News and Update