With the surge in appreciation value of memorial lots, Golden Haven is promoting this real estate investment as low risk but high return investments. Many publication articles support investing in memorial lots can provide high returns in the future.

“As with any piece of real estate, memorial lots at Golden Haven increase in value over time. With an annual appreciation of 20%, investing in Golden Haven lots now will grant you high returns in the immediate future.” the Villar-led company said in a statement.

When its 15-hectare memorial park in Las Piñas opened in 1984, Golden Haven said a lot cost just P5,000. Now, a memorial lot in the same park costs P378,000. This property is now at the up-and-coming business district in the South of Metro Manila, the Vista Global South.

Golden Haven Cebu opened in 2005 with a price value going for P25,000. Now, a lot at Golden Haven Cebu costs P232,000, “an increase of over 828% in value or a 46% increase per annum,” the company said.

Golden Haven in Cagayan de Oro offered lots for P33,000 when it opened in 2007, and now it costs P89,000.

Memorial Lots Appreciates in Value overtime
Replica of the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Cagayan de Oro

About Golden Haven

Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc. Currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots. It is dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.

Online Reservation

Golden Haven commits to the safety of both our clients and employees. We are now offering online services for our admin transactions. Choose from the services on our website through our online service page to schedule your appointments. You may also get in touch with us for any of your concerns.

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Source: bworldonline