Here’s a few choice words of wisdom as the Golden Haven Digital Team sits down with the COO -- Red J. Rosales. Read about his take on deathcare in the new normal, and the direction of Golden Haven moving forward.

Golden Haven FAQs

The year is 2021, and we have found ourselves at the advent of a world crisis. If this year may be described, it is a clear testament that despite the advancement of the human mind. With the sophistication of human engineering, nature will have its way of reminding humanity of its mortality.

Friends and colleagues, we, at the deathcare industry, have stood witness, front and center, as the epidemic unfolded and took with it its unfortunate casualties. The experience would have been nerve-wracking for most. But I am proud to commend everyone for putting up the best fight in all aspects of our business. Keeping us as the death care service provider of choice, then and hereon forward into the new normal.

READ MORE: Death Industry in The New Normal

Alagang Golden: Our Promise

Our employees’ safety has always been paramount in management’s priorities, and maintaining such, while providing the same old “Alagang Golden”, has been the challenge we have conquered together.

Golden Haven disinfects their offices and memorial chapels

Throughout the events of the pandemic, we have been compassionate yet professional; non-judgmental yet discerning, and we have been alleviating the grief of clients while maintaining standards prescribed by the health department. Our parks and offices have been meticulously treated with constant disinfection drives. We make sure our clients deal with us in confidence. These acts of care all reflect our “Alagang Golden” promise to all our stakeholders.

New Normal Face Guard in Golden Haven Office

We Innovate the Industry

Moreover, I am proud of everyone for finding ways to leverage technology to preserve the quality of our services. Online payment channels have been established and swiftly put into practice. Enabling our clients to settle accounts at the comforts of their own homes. Our soon-to-launch technology; Wake Connect, is a revolutionary initiative that will take online funerals to new heights with sophisticated features. It also provides more personal connectivity than ever before. Wherever you may be, Golden Haven will equip you with the perfect avenue to share memories. We are here with you and your loved ones through the most trying of times. Let’s not make death a lot harder than it already is. Here at Golden Haven, we have been embodying what it truly means to be the perfect “katuwang” in grief and eventual acceptance.

Moving Forward

We are moving forward into the new normal, full sail ahead. I am confident that, together with our Chairman, and with everyone on board, we are bringing the Golden Haven ship into new, undiscovered shores. There is more to what has been mentioned earlier; the pandemic may be a testament to our mortality, but it is also a worthy testament of our resilience through each other. May God bless us all.

Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed, Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc., currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots—dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment in the country today with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.

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