Our Memorial Products

Mausoleum (Family Estate)
A testament of love through generations. Your choice of an exclusive sanctuary measuring Thirty (30) sqm on where you can build your family's legacy.
Lawn Lot
An expanse field of trimmed grass offering an idyllic resting place for your loved ones with a space suitable for two (2) on a 2.5 sqm lot.

Golden Haven Padre Garcia Batangas

Golden Haven is now in the Cattle Trading Capital of the Philippines, Padre Garcia, Batangas!

Invest in memorial lots today to shield you and your family against uncertainties. Build your legacy in the most beautiful memorial park in Golden Haven Memorial Park Padre Garcia, Batangas.

Inspired by the Japanese Zen concept we are proud to present Golden Haven Memorial Park Padre Garcia, Batangas. Invest in spiritual peace and serenity at the fastest growing and fastest developing municipality in South Luzon.

Things you can do in Padre Garcia Batangas

  • • Sunshine Farm Philippines - Did you know that Sunshine Farm Philippines hires PWDs as workers, aims to provide a sustainable livelihood to PWDs? Get to see the beautiful sunflowers of Sunshine Farm Philippines on your way to Golden Haven.
  • • Villa Antonina Resort - One of the fun things to do in Padre Garcia Batangas is exploring its amazing resorts where you can unwind and be with your loved ones.
  • • Cattle Trading - Padre Garcia is known for being the Cattle Trading Capital of the Philippines. Going through its public markets will sure make you feel amazed by fresh meats.

Available Memorial Inventory in Bauan, Batangas

Mausoleum Family Estate for Sale

Golden Haven Family Estate/Golden Haven Mausoleum in Bauan, Batangas

  • • Available in 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, or 27-lot configurations
  • • It is an area for both underground and aboveground interment.
  • • It is characterized by an open or closed memorial structure (mausoleum)
  • • It can house an unlimited number of interments.
  • • Fencing the property is allowed.
  • • Open memorial structures may contain no more than eight (8) aboveground interments while closed memorial structures may contain no more than sixteen (16) aboveground interments.
*Prices and product availability may vary depending on the project location. 

Memorial Lawn lot Golden Haven Memorial Lot Bauan

  • • The Lawn Lot is an area for underground interment.
  • • Characterized by carpets of green Bermuda grass and flat ground markers, the property measures 2.44 square meters (1 meter wide by 2.44 meters long).
  • • A maximum of two (2) bodies, with not more than two (2) sets of bones or cinerary remains.
  • • Maybe interred in a double-tiered configuration.
*Prices and product availability may vary depending on the project location.

About Golden Haven

Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc. Currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots. It is dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.

Online Reservation

Golden Haven commits to the safety of both our clients and employees. We are now offering online services for our admin transactions. Choose from the services on our website through our online service page to schedule your appointments. Get in touch with us using any mobile device.

Find Us

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Address: Padre Garcia, Tiaong-Lipa Rd, P. Torres Street, Padre Garcia, 4224 Batangas
Property ID: 18970
Lot Size: 2.50 square meters
Price Range: ₱ 88,000 - 1,400,000
Size: 2.50 square meters
  • Activity Area
  • Rest Rooms
  • Sales Garden
Alternative Contact no.
  • 09497982031
  • 09190820579