Investing is essential to making money. You have to invest money to make money. Whatever your motto may be the idea to invest money is larger now more than ever and continues to grow more and more each year The demand for knowledge on how to invest money and what investment ideas make the most sense is in such high demand today.
The two major and critical characteristics of an investment are present advertising and future benefit. For instance, investment in bonds, real states, valuable objects, insurance arrangements, etc. All these exercises include the current sacrifice of consumption for a profit or benefit in the future.
When we make our investment for a long period of time by limiting our needs for the sake of benefits in the future, risks and the expected benefits and return on the investment is uncertain. Therefore, the risk and the expected return from the investment are the two concerning variables of the entire investment process.
By investing at an early stage of life, you learn a pattern of financial independence and discipline. An early investment teaches the real difference between investments and saving. Never think young age is a barrier to making an investment, as you are never too young to invest. The little amount of money invested now will put more money in your pocket in the future.
Nowadays, most young adults find opportunities to start or operate a business which is a good idea for them to earn money and sustain their needs. But did you know that investing in memorial lots is also another way to earn a lot more money especially at a young age? I highly recommend that you start considering investing in memorial lots as early as now, while you still have plenty of time, and the price is still flexible. Just like any other real property investment, memorial lots increase its market value every year.
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In case you need an emergency fund, you can consider selling your memorial lot at a higher price. If a loved one passed away, you can also let them use the memorial lot, instead of buying a new one. Unfortunately, there are still people who find or feel uncomfortable whenever they talk about “death”. That is why people chose not to invest in memorial lots but the fact is you can always plan when it comes to the financial preparations that it may require.
If you have already invested in a memorial lot, that’s one thing less to worry about in case something unforeseen happens. You will have more time to accomplish other requirements and of course, your grieving process can be more reassuring.
This article will point out the main reasons why investing in memorial lots and planning your life is a good choice.
It is better if we are always one step ahead of the things that might unexpectedly happen. No one will ever know when is our time, all we have to do is to be prepared so that our loved ones will not suffer paying our burial.
In this time of the pandemic, we cannot predict what will happen tomorrow but you can always plan when it comes to the financial preparations that it may require. If you have already invested in a memorial lot, that’s one thing less to worry about in case something unforeseen happens. You will have more time to accomplish other requirements, and of course, your grieving process can be more reassuring.
According to my research, this kind of investment property will be developed in the future. The high reward on investment from memorial lots is the basic cause of it, and it only depends on how long the property will take before reselling.
Far from condominiums and other real estate properties that you can invest in, no need to worry about repairing anything regularly and also low maintenance.
When the lot is already paid fully, it can be used as collateral. And this tangible asset can be lead to more financial success in the future.
Unlike other condominiums, memorial lots also offer “peace of mind” to the investors because expensive and continuous maintenance of the property is not needed or necessary. Most of the maintenance will be handled by the developer like cleaning the area, regular grass timing and etc.
Compared to other real estate properties that are expensive and costly, memorial lots are budget-friendly therefore it’s easier to sell at a lower price.
Real estate properties seldom depreciate but most of the time they increase the value of the lot. It is a good investment in a not expensive spend of money, but you can gain more from it in the future.
In conclusion, one of the most important things that we all need to apply when it comes to personal financial planning is that you need to start investing as early as possible so that you can stay invested long enough.
One of the best opportunities is to invest in memorial lots wherein it will not just serve as your investment but can also serve as your family’s financial burdens. Although it feels uncomfortable talking about this fact of life, we should just become aware of the reality that one day we will also need this kind of preparation in life, which we know that’s too expensive. Therefore, it’s very important to plan and invest for the future. People should normalize investing in memorial lots at a young age. In this way, it lessens the burden of our family and loved ones thinking of paying our burial and other stuff once we died.
About Golden Haven
Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc. Currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots. It is dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.
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Golden Haven commits to the safety of both our clients and employees. We are now offering online services for our admin transactions. Choose from the services on our website through our online service page to schedule your appointments. You may also get in touch with us for any of your concerns.
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