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Do you know how does death industry copes with the new normal?

Well, this year has certainly been a roller coaster ride — and it’s nowhere close to slowing down. 2020 has arguably been the worst year yet for this generation, with the advent of a novel coronavirus outbreak which was later on formally called and popularly known as COVID-19.

The Effects of COVID-19 in the Death Industry

The World Health Organization, in its official online publication, describes COVID-19 as an “infectious disease that spreads primarily through droplets from coughs or sneezes of an infected person”. On July 11, the Philippines recorded its highest death toll due to COVID-19 with 162 deaths in a day. This peak raised an alarming wave of people having anxiety over being unable to have ample time to mourn the death of their loved one.

READ MORE: The New Normal: Looking Beyond The Pandemic with Golden Haven

Golden Haven Memorial Services and Chapel
Golden Haven Memorial Chapel

What is it like in the NEW NORMAL?

For the death care industry, the challenge lingers. Imagine not having the opportunity to take care of your beloved the moment they contracted the virus. The inability to visit them at the hospital as they battle the infectious disease. Far even more difficult is not being able to give them proper memorial rites. This is because the deceased had to be cremated within 12 hours and then buried right after.

This has been the kind of situation our death care industry front-liners continue to face during the pandemic. Frustrated and depressed family members want to spend more time with their departed loved ones during the funeral. A series of pleas to invite as many people as possible, but all in vain. Heartbroken as they are, our front-liners have to disagree and turn down these requests for the greater good. It's also to comply with the guidelines prescribed by the government to stop the further spread of the virus.

Family Care Associates wearing PPEs and masks
Golden Haven Memorial Chapel Family Care Associates

The COVID-19 pandemic might have bruised not just the health of our countrymen. It also affects the moral and cultural values of our people. The customary five to nine days funeral is no longer an option. The parade of vehicles attending the burial is limited to only ten to twenty family members. The amount of time to grieve over the loss is at full tilt.

Taking our Part in preventing the spread of COVID-19

Here at Golden Haven, we conduct weekly disinfection on all of our offices as well as our memorial chapels. We follow the IATF guidelines in preventing the spread amongst our employees and clients. We make sure that we check their temperatures before entering the office.

Golden Haven innovates the wake viewing experience in funerals especially in these times of COVID19. Introducing Wake Connect, the first and only interactive live wake viewing in the country. It has a wide-angle video reach that's perfect for funerals. People can join from different parts of the world through CISCO's WebEx app. It performs like Zoom meetings but with more security and organize scheduling systems.

READ MORE: Golden Haven enables interactive wake viewing through the newest fiber internet provider, Streamtech

Our online payment system is always live before any of these happens. We saw that the need for cashless and convenient payments will be a need in the future. You may visit our online payment page for more information and payment partners.

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