Uncertainty is one of the biggest challenges of being human. It can make us feel anxious and uncomfortable, but it's also an important part of life. We can't always know what's going to happen, but when we embrace it, we learn so much more than we would if we just tried to control everything. Here are some things that may help us deal with uncertainty:
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Anxiety is a natural response to stress. It can be triggered by external factors, such as a looming deadline or an impending storm, but it’s also often the result of internal factors — like the voice in your head that tells you that you aren’t competent enough or strong enough to handle whatever comes next.
This can happen for any number of reasons: if you grew up with an anxious parent and have some anxiety yourself, if your brain was wired differently from other people's brains (and there's no way to know whether this is true or not) if some part of your life is out-of-balance right now (for example: maybe you're lonely, even though your partner is around).
The fear of 'what if?' is one of the most pervasive and damaging fears. It's like a little voice in your head that whispers, "What if you get fired?" or "What if I can never find another job?" or "What if I lose my partner?"
The problem with this fear is that it doesn't just come from nowhere—it's based on something real, like a bad experience you had at work or some crisis in your relationship. These things may have happened, but now they're just stuck in your head as worries that keep popping up and ruining your day-to-day life.
Why is it that we keep looking for more? And why do we live in the expectation of the next best thing, even if it means being happier?
We're afraid of being happy. Not just because happiness may be fleeting—the reality is that happiness is a moment-to-moment experience that changes with the circumstances and the people around you. But also because in our minds, happiness has become synonymous with complacency. But wait--doesn't complacency mean not wanting more out of life?
You can't control everything, and that's okay! When we're feeling anxious and uncertain, our brains often focus on the worst-case scenario. Instead of obsessing over all the things that might go wrong, try to focus on what makes you feel good about your life right now. If you're feeling uncertain about your future career or partner choices, remind yourself that there is no right way to choose between options—and no one is going to judge you if you make a mistake.
When you're anxious, it can feel like the anxiety is controlling you. You're just a passenger on this crazy ride that has no end in sight. But here's the thing: anxiety is a compass, not a dictator. It can help guide you toward the things that are important to you and away from the things that aren't. If you're feeling anxious, ask yourself why. What's causing that feeling? Is it something external or internal? If it's external, can you change your behavior to avoid it? If not, can you learn to manage it?
If you’re feeling anxious and stressed, that means there is something important in your life that needs your attention. Anxiety is a signpost; it’s telling us that something needs to change if we want to feel better about ourselves. If you think your anxiety is becoming unmanageable to the point that it affects your day-to-day activities, it may be time to consult a medical professional.
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