About Golden Haven


Golden Haven Memorial Parks

In 2017, the Company acquired 99.99% ownership interest in Bria Homes, Inc. (BHI) and amended its primary business purpose into real estate in order to gain flexibility in undertaking business expansion while it remains engaged in the death care industry. On March 6, 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved the change in corporate name to the present one.

Golden Haven IPO Offering

The Company’s deathcare business operates under the “Golden Haven” brand and presently has 35 developments in 32 locations across the country. Golden Haven also has columbaries within a selection of its memorial parks, including the 20,000-vault columbarium located beneath the Sanctuario de San Ezekiel Moreno, a chapel constructed by the Company along C5 Road, Pulang Lupa, Las Piñas. HVN also has memorial chapel services in Las Piñas and Pampanga.

Golden Haven Memorial Parks offer memorial lots at varying sizes and price points within each of its existing memorial park and within those memorial parks presently in development. The four basic lot packages are lawn lot; garden niche; family patio; and family estate. If you want to know about the common burial options, you may click this link. Purchasers of a family estate lot can elect to construct a mausoleum, the design and construction of which must conform to the Company’s parameters as part of the terms of the purchase. Golden Haven also provides, as an additional service and at additional cost to the client, construction and associated services for these mausoleums. The newest offering of the company gives family estate lot owners to choose a mausoleum design for free, through Golden Shrines: Golden Haven Mausoleum Collection. These added value offering includes architectural design and plans for the clients to build their desired mausoleum with beauty and integrity.

For its residential development business, Golden MV Holdings, Inc. (HVN) operates through Bria Homes, Inc. with 51 projects in 40 locations in the Philippines. In 2019, the Company was able to launch projects in new locations such as Alaminos, Laguna, Batangas, and Montalban, Rizal.

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Director and Chairman of the Board

Mr. Villar was Senator of the Philippines from 2001 to June 2013. He served as Senate President from 2006 to 2008. He also served as a Congressman from 1992 to 2001 and as Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1998 to 2000. A Certified Public Accountant, Mr. Villar graduated from the University of the Philippines in 1970 with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and in 1973 with the degree of Masters in Business Administration. He founded Camella Homes in the early 1970s and successfully managed said company over the years, to become the largest homebuilder in the Philippines now known as the Vista Land Group. Mr. Villar is also Chairman of the Board of Vistamalls, Inc. (formerly Starmalls, Inc.), AllHome Corp., AllValue Holdings Corp., AllDay Marts, Inc. and Golden MV Holdings, Inc. (formerly Golden Bria Holdings, Inc.).He is a member of the following organizations: Makati Business Club, Manila Golf Club, Management Association of the Philippines, Financial Executive Institute of the Philippines (FINEX), Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the Villar Social Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Governance (SIPAG).


Director and President

Ms. Javarez graduated from the University of the East with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Accounting. She is a Certified Public Accountant. She completed a Management Development Program at the Asian Institute of Management in 2006. Ms. Javarez was previously the Chief Financial Officer of Polar Property Holdings Corp. until 2011 and the Tax and Audit Head in the MB Villar Group of Companies until 2007. She was the Controller and Chief Financial Officer of VLL from 2013 until she became Chief Operating Officer from November 2018 to June 2022. She was the President of Camella Homes, Inc., Communities Philippines, Inc., Crown Asia Properties, Inc., Brittany Corporation and Vista Residences, Inc. until 2021. She is currently the Chairperson of the Board of Prime Asset Ventures, Inc. and is the President of Fine Properties, Inc


As of December 31, 2020:

Fine Properties, Inc. 63.97%

Cambridge Group, Inc. 24.65%

Public Ownership 11.37%

Foreign Ownership 0.01%

The company regularly discloses the following reports in compliance with Securities and Exchange Commision (SEC) and Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE): Top 100 Stockholders (quarterly); Public Ownership Report (quarterly); and Foreign Ownership Report (monthly)


Golden Haven Org Chart