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A tribute video can be one of the most brilliant ideas that you may think of to remarkably commemorate the precious memories of your loved one who just passed away. Even though it has been an untimely passing, the fact remains that he has lived his life to the fullest by touching the lives of other people. So instead of simply recollecting your memories with him by sharing stories, why not exert an extra effort and make a visual craft that will be appreciated by all the visitors to his funeral?

Some are discouraged to make a tribute video because of the lack of resources–a high-end laptop and professional expertise in using video editing software. However, just by having a working device and adequate knowledge of how things work on an editing application, you can pull off such a creative output like this.

Although everyone can make a decent tribute video, only a few are given the prowess to make a memorable one. And if you aspire to make a remarkable video output, you may consider following these tips:

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1. Remember that in tribute videos, less is more

As much as you want to include various images and footage with your loved one, you must also be considerate of the attention span of your audience. If you produce a tribute video that extends up to 30 minutes, they may struggle to remember everything that flashed before their eyes. Remember that in this craft, the goal is to make everyone remember how great the person is and not how technically perfect the video output was.

With this, there is a need for critical thinking to be exercised in making a careful deliberation about the content of the tribute video. You may want to give priority to sharing his moments with the people who are dear to him such as his immediate family, significant other, and closest set of friends.

2. Focus on the major events of your loved one’s life

If you want to make a memorable tribute video for your departed loved one, consider giving ample focus on his interests and hobbies, achievements, things that make him unique, and occasions that he finds special such as birthdays and vacations.

By putting these fragments of memories, you can make everyone understand how your loved one has become successful in terms of having a well-lived life. These events can show his true identity, and how he is worthy of everyone’s affection and appreciation.

3. Involve family and close friends in the process

This is one of the most vital tips that you may want to consider if you want to depict the life of your loved one in the truest sense. Evidently, you are not fully aware of how he lived his life from the onset until his final moments, so help from his family members and colleagues can come in handy.

You may depend on them in terms of filtering out which images and videos must be included in the final output and what should be omitted. As the ones who personally shared their time with your loved one, they can wisely discern which of those moments form part of their life’s highlights with him.

4. Include captions for each image or video footage

Since the funeral will be attended by people of all ages–both children and kids-at-heart–you have to be considerate of those who may have poor eyesight and struggle in recognizing faces and sceneries. Especially if the images that will be featured in the tribute video have lower resolutions, it is advisable to include captions that would depict everything that is happening in the pictures.

Also, it can generally help everyone who has no idea what your loved one is doing when a certain picture was taken. In this way, they may appreciate each moment that he had in the world of living.

5. Opt for chronological sequencing

Often a common choice of sequencing, a chronological order of images is a great way to come up with a remarkable tribute video for your loved one. This means that you start the final output by displaying his pictures when he was still an infant or toddler, and depict precious memories from that period such as his first word or the time when he learned how to walk.

This provides a hassle-free way of arranging the content of the tribute video. All you have to do is to have access to all the resources such as images and video footage that will tell his life story in every bit. By doing so, you can also give the viewers a chance to witness the changes that happened to him as the years passed by.

6. Make proper music choices

You can pre-arrange a set of songs that you may use throughout the tribute video. Just because it will be shown on a solemn occasion such as a funeral doesn’t mean the music choices have to be melancholic. On the part of the final output where his younger years are displayed, you may consider playing songs that give off a youthful or gentle vibe such as lullabies, soft melodies, or actual songs that fit in such a portion.

For you to successfully do this, you must figure out the whole storyline that will be depicted by the tribute video you are trying to make. Only after finalizing the sequencing of the images and videos can you figure out the arrangement of the songs that you will insert throughout your final output.

7. Use motion effects strategically

You cannot make a memorable tribute video if you will create a lifeless slideshow of images and video footage. With this, consider putting animations throughout your final output with the help of the default selection provided by the video editing software you are using. A helpful tip on this matter is to avoid using the same effect over and over again since it can make others feel dizzy. By pulling off the right combination of three to five motion effects, then you are good to go.

Making a remarkable tribute video can be a challenging task. But as long as you do it for the love of your loved one who met an untimely passing, then you can never find this activity a burdensome one. Just adhere to these tips and you can come up with a wondrous creative output visitors will love!

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